Fishing in the sea of Rome - Big Game and much more: 2025
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Fishing in the sea of Rome - Big Game and much more (2025)

  • Fishing in the sea of Rome - Big Game and much more

Service dedicated to both coastal and deep-sea trolling fishing charters, bottom fishing and drifting. We are present in Ostia, Fiumicino, Nettuno, Anzio, Civitavecchia and Santa Marinella. In short, the entire coast of the province of Rome.

An experience to do even with the family. Children aged 8 and over can also fish with parental supervision.

For June 2023, special father and son fishing. A super fun and super cheap 4 hour boat fishing trip. All the catch is yours. Send a WhatsApp message for more info.

Enter your request and our staff will look for the best price proposal on the market for you, for charters on the coast of Rome.

A gift that many wives and girlfriends have dedicated to their beloved fishermen. (You will receive a personalized coupon like the first image published above. A coupon to print and give as a gift. Chosen for: birthdays, wedding anniversaries, various anniversaries, bachelor parties...)

In general, our proposal will always include:
- 6/7 hours of fishing
- Lunch on board
- Tackle and bait provided on boat. Top-notch solutions.
- Fish taken away by the guests with the exception of bluefin tuna.
- Departure at 7 in the morning, from Tiber River
- Max 4 anglers per outing. This is to maintain the right safety distances and fish in comfort.
- Fishing school for the less experienced
- Front page on our site for you and your catches

We can offer the following boat fishing specialties:
- Fly Fishing, for max 2 anglers.
- Tuna drift
- Sword drifting at night
- Drifting light
- Bolentino
- Trolling with live bait
- Trolling with lures
- Offshore trolling
- Turn to tuna
- Spinning on eaters
- Spinning in effect
- Sea bass spinning
- vertical techniques
- Fishing school
- Freshwater fishing guide on request

You will go out with a: Fisherman boat motorized with 500hp Suzuki. You can see the video at the end of this page.

If you are alone don't worry! We will be looking for a group with whom you can split the expenses of the fishing trip.
This boat trip can also be thought of as a gift idea for a fisherman.
The COST is €800 all inclusive, to be shared with the members of the fishing trip.
For up to 4 anglers. If you are alone we will find you a group to divide the expense.

For any info: 351 92 52 652 also with WhatsApp.

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